Strategic Advisory
We have an established track record in corporate strategic advisory services and can significantly contribute to a client’s understanding of its available options to grow, exit or reposition their business.
How Accume Team help you ???
• Perform a benchmark valuation
• Evaluate valuation drivers
• Explore strategic acquired growth opportunities
• Financial modeling of acquisition scenarios
• Build target screens
• Manage business growth
• Governance review
• Develop a strategic roadmap
• Advise shareholders on an exit or liquidity strategy
• Advise on capital structure, public or private ownership and other client specific issues.
Often embedded into client management teams, Singhi participates in discussions of business strategy, financing, governance, strategic options and other board and shareholder considerations. We support, stimulate and challenge our client’s point of view and enhance the strategic decision making process. Using sophisticated financial modeling tools, strategic planning analysis, business valuation techniques and financial capacity analysis, we help in establishing strategic and operational objectives together with developing and implementing the initiatives to reach those objectives. Possessing deep operating experience, public and private board of director experience and extensive transactional expertise, our professionals understand the nuances and complications of strategic decisions on an enterprise and can offer valuable independent perspective. With depth and breadth of operating and investment banking backgrounds, Singhi professionals are uniquely qualified to offer important insight into opportunities and obstacles that may not otherwise be considered.